What’s in a Name? How We Chose a Name for Our Newsletter

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The iT360 team is excited to bring you our first ever quarterly newsletter. Milan Kruger, iT360’s very own Account Manager was instrumental in helping us conceptualise this name. Read his story on why ‘bytesize’.  

When the Marketing team had the task of launching a newsletter, they didn’t approach an agency or decide in a closed boardroom with the Executive Team what the name should be. Instead, the leadership team took the decision that this should be outsourced to our very own staff and to give them an opportunity to be a part of the process.  

An internal competition was launched to all staff across email and Teams, inviting them to participate with a prize up for grabs. The response rate was incredible with our brand ambassadors emailing the Marketing team their comments or suggestions within the first two days alone. With over 45 suggestions, the decision to narrow it down to the final choice was incredibly difficult, however the name ‘bytesize’ resonated with the Leadership team and fit the objective of the quarterly newsletter. Bite size pieces of information that extend beyond just technology, but provides our clients with insights, trends, thought leadership pieces and recommendations by industry leaders. 

it360 newsletter bytesize

We asked Milan what inspired him in recommending the name and this is what he had to say: 

We live in such an ever-evolving technological world. We must be given true and accurate information as changes happen, when they happen. I thought, what better way to do that than a byte size of information (excuse the pun). This way you can stay up to date with everything technology, New Zealand and globally related without having to sift through hours of complex technical jargon. Rather have everything you and your company need in a quick, easy to access newsletter in bytesize chunks

—Milan Kruger, Account Manager, iT360
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