Empower Your Business with Office 365

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In your life, when have you seen the most movement and success?

It certainly wasn’t when you got too comfortable and watched the World pass by! So why do so many companies decide to sit back when it comes to their IT?

IT is one of the world’s most evolving industries, yet it is still so difficult for IT Companies to convince their clients that the future of IT Infrastructure is bright.

Each company has their reason for sticking with their legacy technology, and there are always arguments to stop you from moving on, but why not open your mind. Move away from what you’re comfortable with and try Office 365.

Who knows, it might be exactly what you need to blast your business’s efficiency and success forward. Take a look at what we’re talking about!

10 Benefits of Using Office 365

1. Migration is Easy!

To start, migration to Office 365 is easy. You do it once and you’ll never need to do it again. It works with your business to transition swiftly, no matter what onsite solutions you currently use.

2. Office 365 Grows with your Business

With simple monthly payments you get what you pay for. Never again will you spend money on something that you do not use! Add another license for a new employee here, increase your data storage there. It’s as simple as that!

3. No More Expensive Servers

Office 365 is a simple Cloud solution that moulds to any business size and structure. Save on server costs & maintenance and access your secured data anywhere in the world.

And of course, if you’re a one step at a time kind of Company, then Office 365 has the ability to connect and integrate with your onsite technology as well.

4. Access your Secured Data Anywhere in the World

Yes, you heard right! You can access your data anywhere in the world, and with any device. How incredible is that! Oh and no need to worry about others getting access to your information, as your Data is secured with the most comprehensive safety measures.

5. Streamlined Workflow with Office Online Apps

Collaboration between employees helps spark new ideas and keep your business running smoothly. Office 365 has made this collaboration so much easier by making all of the Microsoft Office Apps available online. This means that changes, edits and comments can be made and seen anywhere in real time.

6. Never Lose Data Again

Your Company’s data is what keeps it going. Without it your business is nothing. Office 365 offers the most incredible Data Protection and Back-up options so you can keep calm and know that your data and information is safe!

7. Consistent Updates and Bug Fixes

No more waiting yonks for new Microsoft product releases! Office 365 allows you to make more regular updates to get rid of those niggling bugs that make your head itch.

8. Yammer

Microsoft bought the Yammer platform in 2012. Seeing the importance of Enterprise Social Media, Microsoft has incorporated Yammer to help launch useful and productive interactions between employees. Employees have the ability to quickly and easily like, comment and share files with one another. Plus, Social Media at work – that sounds pretty good!

9. Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is the ultimate collaboration and productivity tool. It allows you to communicate anytime and anywhere.

Imagine the possibilities you can unlock by modernising your business. You will no longer be limited and confined to your office.

Plus, MS Teams comes free with an Office 365 subscription. That means you don’t have to pay anything extra to be more productive!

10. Free Apps!

There are many more apps that Office 365 offers. Not only that, but Office 365 make it easy for you to see what is readily available to help streamline your workflow! Okay, not all of the apps are free, but many are and they are easy to access.

If these things have not made you turn a head, then we don’t know what will. Sure, you need to work through the transition period, but it will pay off. We promise! Hopefully, we will see you in the Cloud very soon.

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