How to Keep Up-To-Date with Technological Changes Affecting a Business

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Running a business in the digital age is fast-paced, exciting and – let’s be honest – a little overwhelming. Do you feel like every time you wrap your head around a new technology, something else springs up in its place?

Keeping up-to-date with the technological changes affecting a business can feel like a full-time job. Fortunately, we know a few shortcuts.

See below for ways you can stay informed without losing sleep – or your sanity.

3 Ways to Stay Updated with Technological Changes

1. Focus, focus, focus

A common mistake many business leaders make is believing they need to understand every new technological breakthrough that hits the market. In reality, you only need to focus on the technologies that could have an impact on your business. For example, if you don’t sell products, you don’t need to know about the latest discovery in inventory management software.

So how can you narrow down your focus? The first step is to make a list of all the things that are important to your business.

Keep this list and refer to it every time a technology news story hits your desk. If it doesn’t relate to your business, or your growth strategy, then you can safely ignore it.

The second step is to focus on the sources which provide you with the most valuable, relevant information, and read them religiously – more on how to do this below.

Read more: Business technology you should be implementing in 2020

2. Do your research online

The internet should be your first port of call for research on business technology. As it does offer an overwhelming amount of information, the key is, once again, to focus.

Find a handful of excellent websites or blogs that offer the most value. Sign up to their newsletters, like them on social media and make a point to read all of the new material they publish – but ignore everything else.

Following 2-4 reputable, informative website is far more effective than trying to read every news article ever published.

Finding the right sites for you will take some research. Ask your colleagues for recommendations, run a Google Search and keep your eyes and ears open for sources that align with your business goals.

One way to narrow down your options is to consider how you best learn. For example, do you prefer reading in-depth articles or browsing informative infographics? Or perhaps you prefer to watch short, sharp videos?

Try to pick websites which you find engaging, as you’ll be more likely to read them regularly.

3. Work with an IT expert you can trust

Sometimes, no matter how much you want to keep up with new technologies, the reality is: there’s just not enough hours in the day. If you don’t have time to read blogs and newsletters, it’s a good idea to recruit an IT expert who can stay on top of new technologies on your behalf.

If you do go down this road, make sure you work with an IT expert or company who you can trust will bring new technologies to your attention. You want to relax in the knowledge that they will encourage you to update your IT systems as and when is necessary. That way, you can concentrate your energy on other areas of the business while enjoying peace of mind that your technology is up-to-date.


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