Why Your Team Wants Teams

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Let’s face it. Today’s technological advancements have made even the simplest things complicated. The simple act of communication in the workplace has become so complex that it causes inefficiencies and productivity issues. 

Watch this quick video about the reality of this situation…

These numerous options give us the freedom to choose whichever platform we want. And while that may seem like a great thing, having too many options often paralyzes us. 

Paradox of Choice

Psychologist Barry Schwartz explained this phenomenon during one of his TED talks. You can watch the entire video below. 

In the video, he shared about the paradox of choice.

Here’s one of my favorites.

With so many options to choose from, people find it very difficult to choose at all. 

Barry Schwartz, TEDGlobal 2005

What This Means for Your Business

Having too many options can be detrimental to your business because it leaves people paralyzed. It makes them inefficient. And that’s certainly not what you want as leaders in your organisation.

You want your people productive. You want them effective. You want them to be able to do their jobs properly.

How many times have you tried searching for a conversation thread that you swore was on your email, but only found out later the it was sent through Skype? 

Or when was the last time you tried searching for a report only to find out you have four different “final” copies sitting on your computer? One in your desktop, another in your downloads folder, another in Google Drive, and the other one in Dropbox. 

Too many choices is often a recipe for disaster. Barry Schwartz said it best. 

There’s no question that some choice is better than none. But it doesn’t follow from that that more choice is better than some choice.  

Barry Schwartz

So, give your staff and your entire organisation a gift. 

Pick one or two communication channels (or storage, or whatever you need) and only use that. Roll it out to your entire organisation. Include the introduction and training of the tools in your onboarding program. 

We recommend Microsoft Teams because you can do all those things — communicate, collaborate, make a call, video conference, store files, work on those files, and many more — inside one app.

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