Wonder No More

Cyber Security Needs Assessment

Understand your organisations current security posture and uncover your weak spots. Our comprehensive cyber security needs assessment examines seven key areas to determine your current, as-is state and how far along are you with a future, protected state. The insights you get from the assessment will be an invaluable asset in helping you make informed decisions about your cyber security.

Don’t Let Your Weak Spots Go Unnoticed

As a business, being secure online has never been more important. A cyber security needs assessment is an invaluable tool to help you understand your company’s IT and security systems and ensure that data—and reputation—stay safe.

By assessing seven areas of potential risk, our needs assessment services offer insights into where resources should be spent and lays out a simple roadmap of where you need to go from where you are right now.

Holistic Assessment of Your Company

The iT360 Cyber Security Needs Assessment looks at your company’s current state across seven functions or areas. The assessment will highlight which areas are weak and which ones are strong. Below are the seven areas the assessment looks into:

  1. People management
  2. Access control
  3. Service control
  4. Risk management
  5. Network protection
  6. Endpoint protection
  7. Policy and compliance

Awareness Is the First Step

When it comes to protecting your company’s data and reputation online, taking a proactive approach to cyber security is a must. Getting an assessment of your company’s cyber security needs is the responsible first step towards achieving that goal.

Our assessment will provide you with actionable insights so you can focus your resources exactly where they need to be, whether it be investing in updated technologies or further training staff on the importance of cyber security.

Below is a sample report you can expect from our assessment.

Sample Cyber Security Needs Assessment Result

With the iT360 Cyber Security Needs Assessment, you can uncover potential weak spots in your company and take proactive steps to improve your cyber security. You will be provided with actionable insights to help you make informed decisions with your resources and a comprehensive report detailing the assessment of seven key areas.

Don’t wait for an attacker to find out first. Contact us today for more information about how we can help protect your business.

Hear From Our Clients

IT that revolves around you

Considering the circumstances, it was pretty impressive how [the onboarding] happened…what I liked the most about the onboarding process was the communication…[Chris and I] talked many times a day…we chat a lot of times…he got online, found the right people to talk to…he made it work.

Ruth Moxley
Office Manager, Wilson Harle

Awesome to deal with as a partner. iT360 has a great, committed team and is very capable.

Tom Fraser

Is your IT hurting or helping?

iT360 has been helping Kiwi businesses for over 25 years use technology to their advantage. It’s about time we do the same for you. 

Discover Your Security Weak Spots
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