4 Non-Boring Videos on Cyber Security

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Let’s face it. Cyber security isn’t the sexiest topic out there. But, as we rely on the internet more each day — our phones, computers, and other appliances at home and work — you cannot take online security for granted.

That’s why we curated the best videos we can find on cyber security which are at the same time, not boring.

4 Cyber Security Videos That Are Not Boring

1. How cyber security would look like in real life

When people think cyber security, they often don’t associate it being in the “real world.”

It’s only on the internet, right? It can’t affect me.

That’s why it is often difficult to understand what these terms are and what they mean.

Watch this video to find out how cyber security would look like in real life…

2. Are your passwords secure?

“What’s the password to your email”

“Not even a clue? Is it a combination of your birthday? Does it have your pet’s name on it? Great.

“When’s your birthday? What’s the name of your pet?

“Thanks. So, I now have your email password…

Watch this funny video to see how people willingly give out their passwords to strangers on the street.

But kidding aside, you should seriously consider using strong and unique passwords and multi-factor authentication. Want to learn more? Join our 4-day email series on how to do that exactly.

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3. Theft in the 21th century

You’ve bought a brand new and sophisticated car. You’ve installed CCTV cameras and home security software.

You’re safe from robbers, right?

4. Cyber security starts at the top

Ready to take cyber security seriously?

As with every implementation, cyber security has to start at the top!


Cyber security is real. Cyber criminals are real. And it’s no longer confined to the “internet.”
As technology improves and permeates our everyday lives, it’s best to stop treating cyber risk as a separate type of risk.

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