5 Ways That Problems with IT Infrastructure Are Affecting Your Employees

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Whenever IT infrastructure causes problems in a business, management is often quick to consider only the impact on the company itself. But employees are also very much affected by IT issues, and it’s not in the way you’d think.

5 Problems of Poor IT Infrastructure

1. Lack of control

When IT issues affect a person’s work, they can often feel like they don’t have any control over their day.

Because technology problems get in the way of communication, production, output and task function, when these are interrupted on a regular basis – there is a loss of power over how efficiently and effectively work can be completed.

2. Stress build-up

Following on from point 1, if IT issues are a regular occurrence in the workplace, it is very likely that there will be a build-up of frustration, and ultimately stress from not being able to complete duties – and the flow-on effects arising from delays and disruptions to processes.

If an employee has to work late or increase their pace significantly when systems are back up and running, there will always be a risk of stress build-up.

3. Losing traction

When IT issues interrupt a workflow, then losing traction is a very real problem.

For jobs which require concentration and focus, problems with the technology being used is extremely detrimental to output, whether due to delays with getting it restarted, or simply being constantly diverted off-task.

4. Lack of belief in the business

If a business or organisation has constant IT issues that aren’t dealt with correctly, employees may start to feel like their employer doesn’t care about providing them with the right technology to carry out their duties.

Of course, this isn’t always the case, but when someone wants to do the work they have been employed to do, it is hard to stay encouraged by an organisation that isn’t able to assist them with their tasks and responsibilities – you couldn’t be a very good bus driver if you were only given a bike!

Read more: 5 ways IT issues are affecting your business’s productivity

5. Loss of motivation

When your employees aren’t able to work efficiently and effectively because of issues outside of your control, it can be hard to maintain a certain level of motivation to get your work completed. They may think “why bother?”

Because it only results in them managing to keep things at an average level of completion. This blog post is a condensed version of an article in our latest eBook. Keen on further knowledge on how to manage IT in your business? Download: An essential guide to IT for SME business – Risk, Security and Productivity

Download the Essential Guide to IT for SME Businesses
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